The Unexpected Leader: Stepping Up to Guide Your Startup

Believe it or not, not every founder sets out to be a leader. Many founders start their journeys as programmers, engineers, service providers, or experts in their field – passionate individuals with a fire in their bellies and a brilliant idea to chase. But the moment they bring others on board, they step into the role of leader – by default, if not by design.

Leadership may come naturally to some as they thrive on inspiring and guiding others. But for many founders, the concept of being a leader can feel daunting. And they might wonder, “What exactly is leadership? What style should be adopted? Or, how can they navigate the pressures and responsibilities that come with the territory?

While juggling finances, launching products, managing sales and operations – the never-ending to-do list of a startup founder – improving your abilities as a leader may not be the most important thing on your mind. However, honing your leadership skills is a crucial ingredient for building a successful company and fostering a positive culture.

At the heart of every thriving company lies a strong culture, and the leader acts as the compass–a navigator who sets the course for the business. They are the models, the people who would often serve as a guide for their workforce to look for direction, a clear vision, and a sense of purpose.

Therefore, having a solid sense of leadership is essential to determine your role and responsibilities as a founder, one that includes:

Recognition: A simple acknowledgment of your team member's contributions can work wonders for employee morale. Create an environment that fosters equality and opportunities for growth.  People in startups, particularly, seek a sense of belonging, security, and a place where they can develop their skills.

Leading with Direction:  You cannot hand off leadership – even though there might be days when you wish you could. As a leader, providing a clear direction is paramount. It sets the tone for everyone involved, ensuring everyone's efforts are aligned towards a shared goal.

Attracting and Inspiring Greatness: Leaders have the remarkable ability to attract and inspire others to achieve their full potential. They create a space where individuals feel empowered and motivated to do their best work.  For these reasons, establishing a strong and consistent leadership presence is vital.

Developing Your Leadership Style: Effective leadership is about continuous self-improvement. Therefore, start cultivating your unique leadership style from the beginning. Challenge your existing approaches, embrace new ideas, and refine your leadership style to fit your personality and your company's needs.

Purpose, Vision, and Direction: Having a clear direction fosters focus and improves your and your team's mental well-being.  A clear roadmap, with purpose and vision, builds resilience and enables you to achieve goals despite adversity.

Leadership starts with understanding.  What does your team need from you?  And what do you need from yourself as a leader?

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs offers a valuable framework for understanding human motivation. By recognizing the needs that drive your team members, you can create a work environment that motivates and inspires them.  Understanding these needs allows you to move beyond guesswork and make informed decisions about leading, planning, and reacting to situations.

For a more precise understating of leadership and building a culture that values people, read Culture Up,” an amazing and ideal business management and leadership guide to help you attain a healthy work environment and organizational culture. With practical tips, strategies, many real-life stories, and expert guidance, this book will help your startup or company inherit shared values and goals that will contribute to a strong and productive team and overall company culture. Moreover, with a straightforward approach, "Culture Up" tackles one of the top reasons why 93% of startups fail in their first 3 years—making it an essential read for those aiming to survive and thrive.


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